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Former Professor and Chair of the Philosophy Department at Delhi University, Chairman of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research, General President of the Indian Philosophical Congress and the Akhil Bharatiya Darshan Parishad (All Indian Philosophy Association); Major research fields: Buddhism, Philosophy of Religion, Indian Philosophy and Culture; Selected books: Introduction to Scientific Method and Logical Reasoning (2011), Applied Philosophy, Value Theory and Business Ethics (2010), Studies in Ramanuja Vedanta (1975).

Speech Abstract

As we acutely feel, all is not well in the contemporary global existential scenario with violence and other maladies all around, and this calls for a paradigm shift in our value-perceptions, in our modes of thinking and in our ways of living.  We are passing through a critical period struggling between best possibilities and worst possibilities. At the present juncture humankind is facing a crisis which is manifold and multi-dimensional. Human existence is stationed at a crossroad. It is a time when forces of unity and harmony can triumph, and marvels of science and technology can be used to ameliorate human suffering and ensure quality of life, precisely at this time forces of terror and violence and impulses of lower human nature are advancing menacingly on a global scale.  The ratiocinative human mind is confronted with a dilemma as to how to respond to the present scenario.  Rationality in which humanity has placed great trust for realization of its ideals of true knowledge and authentic existence appears to have been overtaken by hurricane of unreason, blind faith and basal passions. It has therefore become imperative to explore deeper and higher dimensions of human resources by means of which we can successfully work for the victory of the ideals and values which have inspired onward march of civilizations. It would not be wise to talk in terms of ‘clash of civilizations’ since all are of equal value and utility and complementary in character. The need of the day is cultural dialogues, mutual give and take, harmony and concord.

Moving ahead in twenty first century with rich, diverse and varied heritage humankind is still searching for new paradigms, looking for new insights, novel intuitions and fresh approaches for global peace and harmony  and therefore there is a need for serious ‘rethinking’ on the part of knowledgeable persons all over the world. There is a wide spread misapprehension about the nature and meaning of Reality and human existence and consequent all round global erosion of values, loss of dignity and authenticity in life, and predominance of disvalues masquerading as true values. In this context there is a dire need to have a common platform for cultural dialogue so as to be benefitted by rich experiences of diverse societies.